I used to get anxious and fidgety when you go out for coffee with other girls or has thoughts of wanting to text or have closure with your ex. Today though, when you told me that, I feel nothing and I’m happy that I felt and reacted that way.
I think I sound like ‘yeah bitch I’m done with your bullshit’. I let you treat me as a safety net option all this while and didnt realize it. I was too positive/hopeful that you will somehow feel something more from me. I trusted you enough to have you as my first. I didnt know why I let you treat me that way. I regret nothing for you made me realize that I deserve something so much better. I dont need a grand declaration of love or romantic events and be showered with flowers (though occassionaly, it doesnt hurt) or material things, but I don’t think it’s too much to ask to expect to be treated right, with respect and someone who just thinks that the sun shines out of my ass (paraphrasing the movie Juno)
What you said to me on a Tuesday 2 weeks ago made me snap and I was just done with it. I deserve hella lot more than a kid who treats me like a doormat or only looks for me when you need to satisfy your ego or lust or need a rational opinion on things.
To drive my to this point is really something. As a quote I stumbled upon sometime ago : never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer give a fuck. That’s my maximum level. If yoy push me to that level, I can be a cold heartless person you thought I never could be.
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