Ok.The title of this post is not a original one.Took it from Mike Posner's song title.I did check out the lyrics to this song first,but feel that it doesnt really fit the stuff I wanna write in this post,but the title was suitable.So.....
I have been delaying this post for a while now.One was because I was tired out by my first week of class in Part 1 aka my second year into my law degree.If someone were to come to me for advice on whether they should study law,I will certainly discourage them.seriously.Another reason I've been delaying this post is because it's still so surreal to me that 3 months has just passed me and it seems now that everyone leaving already. 3 people who hold close to my heart is now in another continent away from me =( One whom I've known from primary school till today.Another two whom I've known all through my college life till today.
First to leave was Sweet Yin.A person who is oh so cute and funny and beautiful and blur and fierce+scary all at the same time.Ahhh,the times I have spent with you for the past 3 months was awesome.Hearing stories of your life in Scotland and the stuff that you do there was interesting.Coming to find you on a random afternoon for lunch during your work in KL was a funny one.Due to the rain,a 'kebanjiran' occurred in your shoes.I died of laughter when I heard this statement.hahahahahahahaa.Also the moments where we were exchanging email was fun.This is the first time where I have been using my email to the very max.hahaha.I think most of the times we spent we either eating nice food or going yamcha at night for hours which also includes eating.Man,we have such fattening hanging outs dont we?
This time around went with Vincent,Mei Wee (in 1 car) and Ah Mah also joined us to send you off.It's so unfair that everytime you wanna leave,you were always the earlier one to reach the airport =( And we were always hungry like hell when we were sending you off.Hahahaahaha...What a combo.Since this is your second time leaving,am more prepared for it.Just not prepared for the fact that you'll be leaving for 2 years.Haih...hope I'll have the chance to visit you there man.
Take care of yourself there (which I know you will) and if there's anything which makes you feel unhappy there's always fb and skype and msn and email to find me and vent your unhappiness out :D I dont think words can express how much I'll be missing you,but just want to write here,i miss you loads and you know i love you.*cries a sea*
Writing the card people 1 |
Writing the card people 2 |
Even got her a slave to push her trolley how awesome are we right? hahahaa |
Moi,Sweet Yin and Mei Wee |
All of us =) |
Not all the pics were from me.Only the few 3 ones.Thanks to Ah Mah for the pictures and being able to make it what not.And thanks to Vincent Chan for putting up with whatever trouble we put you through. :DDDD
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